a:gain at Folkemødet 2024
By a:gain, 14/05/2024
a:gain visits Folkemødet on Bornholm
a:gain in panel discussion "Byggeriets Dilemmaer"
Alongside Sophie Hæstorph Andersen, overborgmester København (S), Lars Storr-Hansen, CEO at Danske Arkitektvirksomheder, Britta Korre Stenholt, CEO at STARK, Thomas Holluf Nielsen, CEO at Domea.dk, Helle Søholt, founding partner and CEO at Gehl, Henriette Cajar, adm. direktør at Sinuz Ingeniører, we at a:gain are proud to share our insights in a debate on the dilemmas involved in a green(er) transition of real estate and built environment.
Where and when: The Big Dome on Friday the 14th of June from 14:00 – 15:00
Read more about the event: Byggeriets Dilemmaer.
a:gain at Dansk Erhverv and Dansk Design Center networking
Learning session dealing with the circular products and circular economy. If you want to hear about this event, then contact:
Andreas Hastrup Clemmensen, <anhc@danskerhverv.dk>
Where and when:
Hotel Allinge,
Thursday the 13th of June from 15:30 – 17:00.
a:gain sails to Folkemødet longside green frontrunners
We need to talk about how we build, what we eat, what we wear and how we as a community has set up our means of transportation. Finally, we need to set aside time to really listen to one another. Therefore, a:gain sails to Folkemødet alongside other green frontrunners, Promentum, Søren Jensen Rådgivende Ingeniører, Århus Center for Regenerativt Byggeri and Gitte Rosholm representing the Mira ship and Wilders Plads Ejendomme who owns the ship. It takes more time, but the good people onboard have made several on-the-ship knowledge sessions among the people onboard, including this one: LinkedIn Post
In addition, our Christian Wittrup has ensured an important book collection after good talks with green fruntrunner architects, Søren Nielsen from Vandkunsten Architects and Kasper Reimer from EFFEKT Architects.
Hvornår og hvor: På Østersøen hele onsdag og hele søndag, mens vi reflekterer over, hvordan vi alle dræbte alle torskene der.
Læs mere om Mira: Skonnerten Mira 1898
a:gain in Den Grønne Sofa Podcast
The good people at Niras and driven by Mia Heide, phd within sustainability within the built environent, and VP at Niras, Jens Priergaard, has been driving the podcast since May 2023 and with multiple very high-quality knowledge sharing episodes are also going to Folkemødet. We are happy to share that they will board ship and do a Podcast with our Christian Wittrup.
Where and when: On the ship Mira outside the harbour of Allinge, Thursday the 13th of June from 09:00 – 11:00.
Read more about the podcast: Podcast – “Den Grønne Sofa” en NIRAS-podcast.