Cross-Value Chain Collaborations

By Christian Wittrup, 19/02/2024

Cross-Value Chain Collaborations

Cross-value chain collaborations

Cross-Value Chain Collaborations

These collaborations are the key to bringing scaled solutions into the real estate market with lower impacts on the climate. We are delighted to share the new of our joined effort with other sustainable minds in developing and implementing a new circular building system.

As Kasper Guldager Jensen states: “The goal is that we as a minimum develop a complete building system up to six stories in height with less than 4 kg/CO2/m2/year, where 90% of all materials can be reused at high value. But our ambition reaches much further than that. We aim to go well below the 4 kg. mark and achieve planetary sustainability, where we do not use more resources than the planet provides”.

We are passionate about, along with the rest of the project partners, making a real change, and look forward to sharing valuable insights during the various stages of the development process during these.

Closing Loops is realized together with WE BUILD DENMARK the Board of Danish Business Promotion, and is co-financed by the European Union.