Marmorvej 2
Marmorvej 2
Project title | Marmorvej 2 |
Year finished | 2022 |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark |
Architect | |
Contractor | NCC Danmark A/S |
27,483 / kg CO₂e footprint*
14,809 / kg waste saved*
*Based on internal calculations
In Copenhagen Nordhavn, PensionDenmark is creating a DGNB Gold-certified office building. The general contractor, NCC, and the architect, PLH Architects, reached out to a:gain as a follow-up on meetings and dialogues between a:gain and PensionDenmark. In a good dialogue between the companies, it was agreed to purchase and install 950 m2 a:gain Funderø oak/ash flooring and to purchase 500 m2 of a:gain Dybø acoustics. These less climate-damaging materials are an additional feature of the project's sustainability efforts. Funderø Oak & Ash is a product from a a:gain, where the company focuses on upcycling floors.In Copenhagen Nordhavn, PensionDenmark is creating a DGNB Gold-certified office building. The genera...